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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Feminists: How they screwed up the world.

Anyone who really knows me will know that I detest feminists. Society and religion have been oppressive to women and from this oppression three waves of protestations from women resulted in women's liberation. This great movement led to reform with regards to reproductive rights, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment, sexual and domestic violence and other social, cultural and political inequalities.

While women now have a voice in politics and other arenas, have high paying jobs and outperform men academically, are women really liberated? Do women really get equal pay? Sexual harassment hasn't stopped, sexual and domestic violence hasn't stopped, it's all just kept under wraps. 

Question: So what have the feminists really done?
Answer: Screwed us all over.

We all like to blame society for our children being rude, horrid little criminals but it is said that the family is the cornerstone of society. It is so easy to blame men for abandoning women and so forth but I blame the feminists. This sexual liberation they have brought on has seen women behave like whores. Why is it acceptable for a man to be promiscuous and it is frowned upon when a woman does it? Quite simple. A woman is a vessel of beauty and purity and she carries the future in her womb and nurtures it at her breasts. Why would she want to have loads of men defiling her? I believe the refrain is 'Monkey see, monkey do'.

So what has happened to the family? The woman who imparts her knowledge and disciplines her children, raising them up to be right, upstanding, moral citizens in society is at work, slaving all day to bring in an income. The family may need the added income to get by but from history, women started working because they wanted something better to do with themselves. As if securing the future wasn't something good enough to do. From the breakdown in the family I don't need to detail the social ills that result from this. You just have to look at the world and you'll see what has happened.

Feminists have done a fair bit for women but having raised a hue and cry to issues dear to women's hearts they have just made things worse.While I can be appreciative of some of the things feminists have done, they really overdid it. 

Sexual liberation... really? Was that such a great idea? resulting in women being labelled? Been called a slut, whore or bitch? The feminists started it!

Reproductive rights.. seriously? I can understand the use of contraception but aborting unborn babies? When does life begin? The fact that a fertilised egg over a period of 9 months grows and develops, I think that's alive!

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