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Monday, 26 December 2011

Post Christmas sales

This year Christmas sales started really early and online shopping accounted for over a billion pounds worth of sales. It was estimated that on Friday December 23rd, £500 million would have been spent. Today is Boxing Day and everything you can think of has gone on sale. Some people even put off giving Christmas presents so that they can get things cheaper during the sales. As a firm believer in not paying full price for something I can get cheaper, I don't really agree.

Getting presents after Christmas Day doesn't really have the same effect as getting them on Christmas Day. But then again, if you can't afford it then, I suppose you can wait. It's 11:37am on Boxing Day and if I decided to actually browse the Post Christmas sales at this hour I won't find anything in my size. I did all my Christmas shopping online and I can't be bothered to be stressed trying to find a park in the city centre or being bustled around by people and trying in vain to find my size. If I'm lucky, when the New Year rolls around and the Spring|Summer lines are out, there'll still be stuff not snapped up by people during the sales that I might like.

At present, Christmas has broken my bank and even if I did have money in my accounts I think I'd end up buying a lot of things that I didn't really want. And that's what sales do to us. They make us spend money on things we don't really want but we still buy them only because they're on sale. So while you're browsing the sales today and the rest of the week, think wisely about what you want so you don't end up with useless junk just for the sake of having it because it's on sale.

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