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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Sit down and shut up

From a tender age I was taught that if I had nothing good to say I should say nothing at all.

There are many sayings with regards to thinking before you speak and other things like 'foolishness is bound in the heart of a child'. The fight for freedom of speech began in the 20th century with industrial workers protesting for the right to speak freely. Around the world we pretty much have freedom of speech (except in some places that will remain unnamed). 

The popularity of social media has led to an abuse of the freedom of speech especially by small minded people. There have been vidlogs that went viral about people expressing themselves with regards to other people. Just because an idea comes into your head doesn't mean that you have to post it. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Blogger, WordPress; whatever you use to express yourself think before you type or speak.

It is highly disgusting when people rant about the race of other people. There was a UCLA girl who ranted about Asians in the library. She did not apologise. Some random girl ranted about Black people. She apologised. There was some silly girl who threatened the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. She apologised. I reckon there are others out there that have not gone viral.

What is wrong with young people today? The younger, enlightened generation I expect a lot more from them. The Daily Mail ran an article that we are all a little racist and sexist. If you say you're not, you're a liar. At some point, we all are, just a little e.g. I'd rather have a male customer service representative than a female when I have a problem.

So young people addicted to expressing yourselves, stop abusing the freedom of speech. If you need to apologise for something you said, it would have been best to have said nothing at all.

1 comment:

  1. People sometimes use the excuse of freedom of speech to be rude and downright cruel. The fight for freedom of speech was not for that reason. It was to show democracy, that people had a choice in their country not to rant about who's a bitch or not or people who u hate or racism, bullying. Good article girl


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